I can't believe how long it's been since I've updated this website. Ever since I went back to work last August, this poor place has been neglected. As much as I would love to commit to a schedule regarding website updates and posts, it's just too much for me to handle right now.
My days are long and I just feel like there really isn't enough time in the day to do everything I want to do. I really miss doing studio vlogs, but this might be something I can manage with the help of my sister. If you're reading this, please give my sister a thumbs up for me and let her know she's doing a good job. I've been wanting to share all the new things I've been working on and how life is going, but I just haven't had the time to sit down and share. So as I catch you up with what has been going on in life here and there, let me share with you a bunch of new products that I have added to the shop!
Snow Globe Tumblers:

I think I have mentioned this before, but I love to create things that I would have liked to buy for myself when I was a kid. Snow globe tumblers are something that I have loved ever since I was a kid. I mean, floating glitter? What's not love?! I created a bunch of these and I absolutely love making them. I love watching the glitter float around as I begin to fill it. The cool part about these is that you can keep them in your freezer and they help to keep your drink cold without the extra condensation getting everywhere. These have become a staple item in my household. I use them for my cold brew coffee in the morning and my Red Bull pick-me-ups in the evenings when I get home from work.
Top Knot Headbands:

When my grandma passed back in October, a part of me felt empty. I kept trying to figure out ways that I could fill that space, but nothing ever felt right. Then one day at work, I had this idea. I wanted to add hair accessories to the shop. I was heavily inspired by Tina at XXL Scrunchies and I just loved how it was a family operation. So I asked my mom to teach me how to sew, and though I know my grandma didn't sew a lot, for some reason, it made me feel closer to her. Whenever I work on these headbands, my mind just drifts to memories of being at her house and all my other memories of her. I think that's why I can't help but continually sew more and more of these.
I also thought that these would be great for those who love Disney, but may not necessarily want to wear the Minnie ears at the parks or want a way to wear Disney in an everyday fashion. So I picked out patterns that are Disney themed, but I also have some generic patterns as well. I should also note that if I only have a limited amount of a pattern, it will be listed on my Etsy shop, not on this website.
Canvas Tote Bags:

To me, this was the natural progression from the canvas pencil pouches. The tote bags have been such a fun addition because I felt like they gave me the opportunity to have a bigger canvas to play with. I would love to add more designs and styles, but honestly, they use up so much vinyl, it gets very pricey. I was hoping to have sublimation figured out by now, but that has gone absolutely nowhere. I would love to be able to sublimate on the tote bags, but I just need more time (and money) to figure that out. If you have any ideas of designs you would like to see on the tote bags, let me know!
Decorated Tumblers:

This is the newest product line. It's easy and so much fun for me! I'm thinking about adding a customization option, but I feel like I need to build up my vinyl collection first. As I mentioned, these are so fun to make and I really enjoy doing them. The Mickey Pineapple is a huge seller on my Etsy shop. I'm trying hard to steer away from the licensed stuff and make more generic tumblers,but it's just so tough for me to find things that are exactly what I'm looking for. I started making these because work just kind of made me feel like poop. I was really bummed out and I wanted to make something that would cheer me up. This definitely did the trick and they just look so good.
In between creating these products, I've been barely making it through the work day. As much as I enjoy how quick the work days have been going by, it's been tough to "catch my breath," so I constantly feel like I'm just going, going, going. There has been a lot of things going on at work that have been eating at my self confidence and I've been trying to work my way through that, but I don't want to end this complaining about stuff because if it wasn't for those bad times at work, I wouldn't have the inspiration to make all of these things!
I really hope you're doing well and like I said, I will try my best to keep both this website and the Etsy shop updated.
Have a magical day!
Janelle T.